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I AM Presence

Affiliate Facilitator:  Ms. Carolyn Amrit Knaus, O.M., M.S., Ordained Interfaith Minister, Agape  Fellowship Center, New Orleans, La. 1991

Please check the Calendar on the Home Page for current offerings.

I Am

“I AM” Presence " 


The “I AM” Presence Movement is one of the many NEW THOUGHT spiritual movements that began in the West in the early 1900’s.   It was begun by Guy and Edna Ballard in the 1930’s, founding the St. Germaine Foundation. It has its roots in the teachings of Helena Blavatsky who founded the Theosophical Society in 1875.


Since its founding, the “I AM” Presence Path has had many teachers and/or Messengers that have revealed the “I AM” teachings, each from their own unique perspective. Many of these Messengers have had Mystical encounters with specific Masters or Enlightened Ones that have inspired them and helped them with their work.

The Purpose of the “I AM” Presence Movement

The purpose of the “I AM” Lineage is to create Mystics that are striving for oneness with their Highest Selves, to become Masters that experience complete union with the Divine.

Basic Teachings of the “I AM” Movement

I Am

The Individualized “I AM” Presence is the Divine in ACTION, as each person’s Highest Self of Creative Power. This Divine Presence within is amplified through manifesting loving, wise, and powerful thoughts, words, and actions in service to all humanity and the entire planet. The Masters, known through many faiths, and sometimes unknown, are available to help.

In the Teachings, the Divine is seen as both Mother and Father. The Divine Mother is often emphasized NOW, revealing herself as equal to the Divine Father.

I AM” Affirmations

The Practice of “I AM” Affirmations increases our connection and awareness with our “I AM” Presence, the Divine Potential within us. Through this practice, we affirm our reality as it truly is. This helps us align, again and again, with the fullness of the Divinity that we really are.

The Three-Fold Flame of the Heart

I Am

The Great Qualities of the Divine, Universal Love, Wisdom, and Power, are present in humans as a Fire of the Heart: The Fire of Blue depicts Divine Power, the Fire of Yellow depicts Divine Wisdom, and the Fire of Pink depicts Divine Love.  This Fire is the spark of Divinity within each person. These fires grow more and more, as we are Divine in our actions of Love, Wisdom, and Power. As this happens, the White Light of the Mother at the Base of the Spine rises more and more into our Heart.

The Violet Fire of Transformation

In the Teachings, the Divine Spirit is often depicted as a Violet Fire of Alchemy and Change. It is the Fire of Joyful Radiant Power that can transform ourselves and our earth circumstances. It is a Fire of Rejuvenation which uplifts our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions into our Highest Selves.  Through the Violet Fire, we are continually renewed, able to do good on earth and our “I AM” Presence is continually amplified.


Masters of the Movement

St. Germaine, El Morya, Kuthumi and Jesus are the main Masters or Enlightened Ones that have worked with Teachers within the movement.  Many other Masters have also guided the Teachers.  These Masters work for Earth’s cosmic destiny, as well as inspire and guide human beings for the upliftment of Humanity.

Affiliate Offerings

The “I AM “ Presence Affiliate offers Interfaith Services, as well as Circles for the sacred work of giving Invocations to manifest spiritual qualities in ourselves and all Humanity. Gatherings to share Universal Spiritual Teachings are also offered, as well as the Opening of the HMW’s Sanctuary for meditation and prayer. Please see the HMW newsletter for the IAM Presence current offerings each month. All people from any path, faith or individual spiritual expression, along with any spiritual seeker, are welcome to attend.

For more information call, Ms Carolyn Amrit Knaus  at 479-253-3165

O.M., M.S., Ordained Interfaith Minister , Agape  Fellowship Center, New Orleans, La. 1991


68 Mountain Street

Eureka Springs, AR 72632



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